With so much misery and uncertainty in our world, we need more celebrations like the one my family and I attended last night: The daughters of Mrs. Doris Pearson gave her an 80th birthday celebration at the Westin Hotel located in the National Harbor complex. It was one of the most satisfying events that I have ever attended. In fact, I overheard one of her daughters say, "I've never seen mom so happy." From the gifts to the games to the meal to the hospitality, I'm sure that if Mom Pearson lives to be 1,000 years old, it will be a night that she will never forget. It was simply fantastic!
Mom Pearson is one of the most classy woman that I know who earned every accolade that she received last night, and she expressed a thrill that I have never before witnessed; especially when the surprise guest, Chester Gregory, delighted her with music from Jackie Wilson. I note with a moment of deep appreciation that Brother Gregory is currently performing on Broadway, but took the weekend off to Bless Mom Pearson during the celebration of her life.
As I ponder the excitement that we experienced last night, I am reminded of the woman who was strolling on the beach and accidentally knocked over a bottle and a genie fell out. He was so happy that this lady released him from his centuries of confinement that he granted her one wish. She reached down and grabbed a handful of sand and asked to live the equivalent years for every grain that was in her clutched fist. 450,586 years later, when the now elderly woman was moving into her last year of life, the genie came by to ask if she had any regrets. The woman said, "Yes I do. I wish that I had asked for youthful years."
Mom Pearson, as I end this short tribute to you, here's to you living to see your children's, children's, children's, children, and may all of the years be youthful. God Bless you and you have a lot of admirers who agree with you that this should be done every five years.
I love you, and honor you, and thank you for grafting me, Linda and DJ into your family as your God children.
Photos from Mom Pearson's 80th Birthday Celebration (December 17, 2011)
Pictures from NCOG 30th Church Anniversary
13 years ago